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Ultra Premium Olive Oil

Enjoy one of the highest quality olive oils on the market.

Our ultra premium olive oil comes from a single producer who is prepared to walk the extra mile in order to achieve one of the highest quality olive oils on the market.

The olive groves are situated in the Achaia region on the Peloponnese peninsula of Greece, which is famous for its favourable growth conditions, perfect for ecological olive production.

The olives are harvested using only traditional mechanical methods and  with optimal timing for achieving the well balanced taste that is perfectly suited for culinary use.

On the day of harvest the olives are cold extracted without delay, using only mechanical methods.

After extraction the olive oil is filtered and bottled without delay.

The result of our efforts is a truly premium olive oil with one of the lowest naturally achieved acidity levels on the market of 0,2% or below. This olive oil is perfect to consume by itself, to pour on a piece of feta cheese or mediterranean style bread, on a salad or as ingredient in a vinaigrette, in home-made pesto or in other fresh food recipies. Apart from its exclusive content the bottle itself clearly communicates style and culinary consciousness, adding to the overall experience.

Ultra Premium Olive Oil

Enjoy one of the highest quality olive oils on the market.

Our ultra premium olive oil comes from a single producer who is prepared to walk the extra mile in order to achieve one of the highest quality olive oils on the market.

The olive groves are situated in the Achaia region on the Peloponnese peninsula of Greece, which is famous for its favourable growth conditions, perfect for ecological olive production.

The olives are harvested using only traditional mechanical methods and  with optimal timing for achieving the well balanced taste that is perfectly suited for culinary use.

On the day of harvest the olives are cold extracted without delay, using only mechanical methods.

After extraction the olive oil is filtered and bottled without delay.

The result of our efforts is a truly premium olive oil with one of the lowest naturally achieved acidity levels on the market of 0,2% or below. This olive oil is perfect to consume by itself, to pour on a piece of feta cheese or mediterranean style bread, on a salad or as ingredient in a vinaigrette, in home-made pesto or in other fresh food recipies. Apart from its exclusive content the bottle itself clearly communicates style and culinary consciousness, adding to the overall experience.

Ultra Premium Olive Oil

Enjoy one of the highest quality olive oils on the market.

Our ultra premium olive oil comes from a single producer with a very limited production capacity and who is prepared to walk the extra mile in order to achieve one of the highest quality olive oils on the market.

The olive groves are situated in the Achaia region on the Peloponnese peninsula of Greece, which is famous for its favourable growth conditions, perfect for ecological olive production.

The olives are harvested using only traditional mechanical methods and  with optimal timing for achieving the well balanced taste that is perfectly suited for culinary use.

On the day of harvest the olives are cold extracted without delay, using only mechanical methods.

After extraction the olive oil is filtered and bottled without delay.

The result of our efforts is a truly premium olive oil with one of the lowest naturally achieved acidity levels on the market of 0,2% or below. This olive oil is perfect to consume by itself, to pour on a piece of feta cheese or mediterranean style bread, on a salad or as ingredient in a vinaigrette, in home-made pesto or in other fresh food recipies. Apart from its exclusive content the bottle itself clearly communicates style and culinary consciousness, adding to the overall experience.

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We recognize that the human organism is a self-balancing system that prefers unprocessed natural food, preferably  without even traces of chemicals in order to stay in optimum health.


All our products are as natural as natural can be. There are absolutely no chemicals involved in the production process, no additives, no preservatives and nature is the only taste enhancer. That is part of our core principles and we are proudly going to keep it that way.


As producer, distributor and merchant we feel a great responsibility towards our customers as well as our business partners and not least towards the local and global environment. We make our decisions from a holistic perspective, taking into account what is best for all parties involved.

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